Second World War

The world we live in is still greatly influenced by the Second World War. I have always been intrigued by the thoughts, hopes and goals of the individual and how they are tied to the overall conflict. I hope readers will find the stories concerning Polish forces fighting in western Europe of interest. The Polish war record was often overlooked by many English-speaking historians in the post-war era. This has been corrected over the past few decades, with valuable reappraisals now available that are essential reading for anyone interested in the Second World War. In a small way, I hope my work offers readers a little bit more insight as well.

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Masters of Monte Cassino

After enduring a grim odyssey through the USSR, the men and women of the Polish II Corps are asked to seize the monestery of Monte Cassino. Fierce fighting awaited.

First Steps to Freedom

Albeit very briefly, Narvik was the first major town to be liberated by the Allies in late may 1940. The Poles were there and won a small slice of vengeance for their homeland.   

Eagles on the Rhine

The fighting at Arnhem in September 1944 has almost become the stuff of legend. Overlooked, however, was the Polish contribution and the unfair treatment they experienced in its aftermath.

The Art of Survival

Millions of German POWs were taken in the closing months of the war. For some, especially in Soviet hands, it would mean an early grave. For others, it was an opportunity for a new life.

Who Killed Yamamoto?

It was one of the Second World War's most daring missions: the interdiction and destruction of a transport aircraft carrying Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto. Who made the kill?

Volleyed and Thundered

On paper, Britain's 1st Armoured Division was a force to be reckoned with in spring 1940. In practise, it was ill-prepared and poorly equipped. It was then asked to perform the impossible during the Fall of France.